Councils of Government

Southeastern Economic Development District

One of the most important functions of the SNMEDD/COG involves the optimal utilization of regional capabilities.  Projects included are water and wastewater system improvements, business retention, business assistance, business development, solid waste, public buildings, industrial parks improvements, job development and assistance and transportation-related initiatives.


Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments

The Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments (SWNMCOG) is a regional planning commission formed to provide project and grant management, grant writing, and technical assistance in the areas of economic and community development, transportation, housing, and legislative assistance to member municipalities, head start, school districts, university, soil and water conservation districts, and other special districts in Catron, Grant, Hidalgo, and Luna counties to improve the quality of place for the residents of southwestern New Mexico by securing funding and everlasting partnerships.


South Central Council of Governments

The South Central Council of Governments (SCCOG) is a governmental and regional planning agency for the State of New Mexico through the Local Government Division, and is recognized by the U.S. Economic Development Administration as an economic development district. The Council of Governments assists our members with local and regional planning and development initiatives in South Central New Mexico that includes the counties of Socorro, Sierra and Doña Ana. The South Central Council of Governments is identified as Planning District 7.

North Central New Mexico Economic Development District

The origins of the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD) can be traced to the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965. This Act enabled the formation and designation of economic development districts like NCNMEDD, created the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) and provided grants, financial assistance, planning and coordination to alleviate unemployment and underemployment in economically distressed areas and regions.


Mid-Region Council of Governments

The Mid-Region Council of Governments is a multi-county governmental agency that is helping our region plan responsibly for the future, in light of anticipated growth in New Mexico’s mid-region. Representing the counties of Bernalillo, Valencia, Torrance, and Sandoval, we provide planning services in the areas of:

  • Agriculture
  • Economic development
  • Employment growth
  • Land-use
  • Transportation
  • Water
  • Workforce development


Eastern Plains Council of Governments

The Eastern Plains Council of Governments (EPCOG) is a voluntary association of local governments to establish a federally recognized economic development and planning district. The region is located within eastern New Mexico and includes seven counties, twenty-one municipalities, and two special districts. As a voluntary organization and district, EPCOG is composed of certain participating and nonparticipating governments.
