A program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department, New Mexico MainStreet works throughout the state that partners with designated organizations to create a strong economic business climate while preserving cultural and historic resources.
Community Development
RCAC | Community Facility Loans
RCAC’s Community Facilities Loan Program helps develop and improve essential community facilities in the rural West. This program offers short-term loans for early property acquisition and predevelopment, interim construction costs and long-term permanent financing. Applicable facilities include public and nonprofit office buildings, treatment centers, emergency and transitional housing, assisted living, human services, public safety, child care, education and cultural facilities. Many other project types are eligible. RCAC gives priority to loan applications for projects that incorporate significant green methods and materials. Please see the community facilities loan application requirements below for more information.
Tourism | Marketing Coop Grant
In support of the Tourism Department’s mission to make New Mexico the primary destination for venturesome travelers, the Cooperative Marketing Grant Program (Co-Op) offers an avenue for tourism related, non-profit organizations, local and tribal governments to attract visitors to their destinations and events through advertising. The Co-Op program allows you to leverage the successful New Mexico True brand, building on millions of cumulative brand impressions to draw visitors to your destination.
MFA | Community Development Housing Programs
MFA’s Community Development Department administers several housing programs that provide specialized housing for specific populations and that help preserve New Mexico’s housing stock. These programs include emergency homeless housing and assistance, housing rehabilitation and weatherization, housing for people with AIDS and housing for individuals with physical disabilities or mental health issues.
EMNRD | Energy Savings Performance Contracting
Opportunity Zones
Public Law 115-97, also known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, provides for the governor of each state to nominate certain census tracts as “Opportunity Zones.” Designation as an Opportunity Zone allows for the creation of a new class of investment vehicle with tax advantages authorized to aggregate and deploy private investment located in Opportunity Zones. The purpose of these tax advantages is to attract capital investment into economically distressed areas.
New Mexico FUNDIT
Communities are able to present their projects to an informal group of Federal and State funding agencies to receive feedback and guidance as to where to go to receive funding for their economic and community development and infrastructure projects.