
NMFA Local Governmental Planning Fund

Created in 2002, the fund provides up-front capital necessary to allow for proper planning of vital water and wastewater projects. The 2005 and 2012 Legislatures broadened project eligibility to include master plans, conservation plans, economic development plans, infrastructure plans and energy efficiency audits. Additionally, the 2012 Legislature eliminated the requirement to repay the fund if the project moves forward and the funding is now delivered as 100% grant. Grants are determined on a sliding scale. Through December 31, 2012, NMFA has made 92 grants totaling $2,585,718 and has approved an additional 31 projects pending closure totaling $1,343,019.

Resilient Communities Fund

The Resilient Communities Fund is the flagship program of the New Mexico Resiliency Alliance. Created in 2014 in partnership with the McCune Charitable Foundation and the New Mexico MainStreet Program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department, the Resilient Communities Fund provides small seed grants for locally-driven economic development projects in rural and underserved communities statewide. Funds awarded leverage local matching resources, build local capacity via project-specific technical assistance, and engage local community volunteers.​​